Covid restrictions lifted in GB Nagar, residents are happy!

By : Community Reporter
Feb 12, 2022

As the third wave has started to settle down and everybody seems to be going back to their normal lives, many restrictions that were imposed in Gautam Buddha Nagar of UP are being lifted from this Saturday. The Noida Administration has decided to open cinema halls, restaurants and gyms in the district. This will bring great relief to the people living in the city. However, Covid appropriate behaviour needs to be followed in public places, as per the instructions of the government.

CitySpidey talked to the residents to know their views on this step by the administration.

Ajay Yadav, owner of Fitcube gym in Noida extension says,

Ajay Yadav, owner of Fitcube gym
Fitcube Gym 

“Preparations have been made for opening gyms. We are busy sanitizing every piece of equipment, no one will be allowed to enter the gym without a mask. Since the launch of the gym, we have placed a sanitizer. We are happy with this decision."

This weekend, the restaurant owners also preparing to serve customers. Mohit Singh, RGM of MISRI Truely Indian restaurant, Gaur City Mall says, “ Preparations have been made for this weekend. The tables are sanitized, clothes are washed in disinfectant liquid. No one will be allowed to enter the restaurant without a mask. We are anticipating good footfall now.”

MISRI Truely Indian restaurant being sanitised 

The residents are also enjoying going back to their regular and normal lives. Azeem Khan, a resident of Nirala Estate says, “I love to ride a bicycle, and cycling every day is a part of my daily regime. When I got the news of the gym reopening, I and everyone in the society were happy. We all are super excited as we all will be able to finally go to gym after a long gap.”

Azeem Khan, a resident of Nirala Estate

Varun Nagar, a resident of Oxford Square also expressed his happiness on the reopening of the society's gym. He said, “I am a regular gym-goer. Since the gyms were closed, I was doing my workouts indoors. But the real motivation comes in the gym only. Finally, gyms are opening. I am very excited to start fresh”.

Varun Nagar,  resident of Oxford Square